Intelligence updates: EAC provisional balloting reports available soon?

The EAC has been busy lately — between the recent flurry of deadlines on a series of projects (the many “RFP’s” we’ve blogged about in recent weeks) and the recent release of the Election Day Survey data and report, a lot has been going on at the EAC. But one thing that is in the works is the major study they initiated with the RFP that was distributed on March 1, 2005, “Providing research assistance to the EAC for the development of voluntary guidance on provisional voting and voter identification procedures.” This RFP went to a collaborative team made up of researchers from the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University and the Moritz College of Law at The Ohio State University. Inquiring minds will note that the original statement of work asked for a report on their provisional voting work in September 2005, and that the original statement of work ended the period of contract performance on October 28, 2005. That does mean that we might be seeing some of the data and analysis from this project in the near future!