Watch Orange County Election Administration Live!

Neal Kelley, the Registrar of Voters in Orange County, sent out an invitation to watch election results live online. For those of you who think transparency in elections is important, checking out the OC’s website is time well-spent. They have clearly thought through various ways of using the Internet to allow interested people to watch and learn more about the election. In many ways, Orange County and Los Angeles County are trend setters in this regard.

Here is the message Neal sent on Friday to his email listserv.

I am pleased to announce the launch of yet another service to our Election Night LIVE website. In the tradition of continual improvement and innovation we have developed, in conjunction with our map software vendor, Election Results Mapping. This new feature will allow users to click on a map of Orange County (down to specific precincts and even poll sites) and observe results for contests specific to the precincts they select. You can even print these maps from our website. Orange County is the first in the country to launch this service. Access this site for a “preview” in advance of Tuesday night by clicking the following link:

The link to this new service will also be found at our LIVE site on Election Night at