Summary of VTP conference on voter registration and identification

I’ll have more to write about in the near future about a few of the specific presentations, as some of the later presentations on voter identification raised some interesting questions and presented some provocative data.

But CNET had a nice summary story covering the conference:

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–The government was quick to trust the Internet with tax returns, but it still has not managed to organize a paperless voting system. What’s the holdup?

Many voting citizens, whether they consider themselves red, blue or green, have been asking that question since the 2000 election shed light on how inconsistent, and often low-tech, the voting systems are in the United States.

Standardization of data fields, interoperability between counties and states, and an unwillingness on the part of local municipalities to embrace change are some of the major obstacles, according to panelists here at the Voter Identification/Registration Conference, hosted by the CalTech/MIT Voting Technology Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Thursday and Friday.

Politicians and election officials have been scrambling to put together high-tech solutions, but the potential for voter fraud, coupled with the exposure of security flaws in e-voting systems and voter databases, has slowed down the conversion.

The panel put aside legal issues concerning e-voting machines and, instead, concentrated on how technology could be used to ensure that electronic voter registration and identification is valid and consistently maintained.

Ann McGeehan, director of elections for Texas, Kim Brace of Election Data Services, and Thad Hall an assistant professor at the University of Utah who co-wrote “Point, Click, and Vote: The Future of Internet Voting,” shared their experiences and examples of why, six years later, there is still no system in place.

One of the most basic problems across the states, Brace said, is trying to match and verify data when there is no standardization for reporting voter registration rolls or for constructing data fields. Some states keep both active and inactive voters on the rolls, some states retain only active voters, and some leave the decision up to individual counties. The differences lie not just between states, or between various departments of motor vehicles and voter registration systems, but between counties within the same state.

“These driver’s license files are not as good as everybody thought they were,” Brace said.

Names, for example, which should be broken out into first-, middle- and last-name fields, appear as one name field in many data sets, according to Brace. Suffixes like Jr. and Sr., and the modern use of hyphenated or two-word last names, has also added to the confusion. Some counties even collapse street address, town, ZIP code and state into one address field rather than breaking them out.

McGeehen has been overseeing the implementation of the Texas Election Administration Management (TEAM) System, a Web-based voting system that Texas counties can access through the Internet. TEAM, scheduled to be in place by the end of 2006, will electronically enable counties to add local election information to a state-provided ballot, have the ballot certified and send voting results.

The TEAM site allows citizens to confirm registration, get directions to their polling locations and find out what’s on their ballot. If a voter moves within the state, TEAM will cancel the voter in the former county and register them in the new county, McGeehan said. But before any information can be imported into the system, the state has had to clean up disorganized data from existing motor vehicle and voter registries.

“In some counties, the data is ‘dirty.’ For example, my husband and I are registered at the same address and yet registered in different precincts,” McGeehan said, referring to her own state’s problems. “TEAM has stronger address standards that match the postal standards, so it will not allow for mistakes like that. But we can’t deploy until mistakes like that in old data systems are brought forward, cleaned up.”

Thanks to CNET for covering the conference, and for focusing on the substance of the conference!