Paper-trail voting gets organized opposition

USA Today has an interesting article on the lobbying that surrounds the voter-verified paper trail legislation that is likely to be considered by Congress this year. They also have a sidebar article examining the Florida congressional district 13 election from 2006. The pro and con on the debate are summarized from these two quotes in the article.

“We’re talking about 10 months from now — that’s nuts,” says Mississippi Secretary of State Eric Clark, a Democrat who joined two dozen state and local officials in Washington last week to plot strategy and vent their objections. The rush to make changes, he says, would “absolutely assure a meltdown in the elections next year.”

Advocates of a paper trail, post-election audits and other proposed safeguards in the bill say problems with electronic voting machines can’t wait. “What do you mean, too soon? It’s eight years too late,” says Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., the bill’s sponsor. “We can’t go through another federal election with people not believing the results.”