SPSA Meeting Papers

Papers that may be of interest to our readers, from the Southern Political Science Association meeting in New Orleans, Jan 10-12, 2008. Papers titles, authors, and abstracts are accessible by following the conference link at spsa.net.

“The Straight Ticket Option and Race: Implications for Roll-Off”, Douglas Feig (MissState).

“Racial Homogeneity, Geography, and turnout: A Hierarchical Linear Model.” Ernest McGowen (UTexas).

And a full panel titled “The Right to Vote and Election Law in the States”

“A Cobblestone of Eligible Electorates: The Elections Clause and the Implications of Variance and Comity in American Criminal Disenfranchisement Policy”. Derek Stafford (Michigan) .

“Taking State Constitutions Seriously” Daniel Katz (Michigan).

“Mediated Popular Sovereignty: Local Suffrage Practices and American Self-Rule”. Alex Ewald (UVt)