Elections in the News

  • Kentucky (Kenton): AP reports having to take 108 eSlate voting machines out of service after a learning that they would not light up for straight-party ticket votes.  The Republican Party has issued warnings to all voters.
  • New Jersey (Essex): A few voting machines malfunctioning, leading to voters being asked to come back later or vote on paper ballots.  Apparently they machines are back up and running.
  • Virginia: Some scanners are reported not to be working correctly due to the weather-rain leads to wet hands and clothes which leads to wet, unreadable ballots.
  • Colorado(Fort Collins): voters report “smooth sailing.”
  • Florida: Despite a few minor glitches, things are going well up to now, with only a few minor problems being reported.  A paper jam caused a back up of about 200 voters, but the problem was solved in under an hour, and a few optical scanners were not working at another polling place. Poll workers instructed voters that they could wait until they were fixed, or leave their ballots for later scanning. Palm Beach County officials officials said that some machines were not accepting ballots because voters were not completing the second page with the constitutional amendments-a usability issue.

If the problems continue in such small numbers with such low impact, this will be an easy day!

Inés and Janell