Fresno County ballot language error

According to some media reports, Fresno County has used the wrong ballot language for Prop 23: “Fresno Co. puts wrong ballot language for Prop. 23.”

Here is more info from this report:

Elections officials in Fresno County say hundreds of thousands of voters are getting ballots that incorrectly describe the ballot measure that would suspend the state’s greenhouse gas emissions law.

The county’s 380,000 voters are being issued ballots that characterize Proposition 23 as requiring “major polluters” to report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
A Sacramento judge threw out that wording earlier this year, and ordered the language to be changed from “major polluters” to “major sources of emissions.”

Update (2:25pm). I just found this other story that says there is also an error in the Fresno County ballot language on Prop. 22.